
  • 文章来源:本站原创
  • 作者:本站编辑
  • 发布时间:2018-02-26 15:08:54
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  主持完成美国国家自然科学基金会项目“Modulating Antenna Size to Increase Canopy Photosynthesis and Crop Yield Potential”

  参加了美国国家自然科学基金会项目“Metabolic engineering of photosynthesis for improved biomass accumulation”

  参加完成美国农业部项目“Engineering Heat-Tolerant Maize

  参加完成国家863 项目(2004AA001380)“无核荔枝的研究”


  Begemann,M, Gray B, January E., Gordon,G. He, H. Liu, Wu, X.R., Brutnell, T., Mockler,T, M Oufattole, M.(2007) Precise insertion and guided editing of higher plant genomes using Cpf1 CRISPR nucleases bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 20, 2017; http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/109983

  Jiang, X., Wu, X.R. and Xiao, G* (2010) Effects of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) rice on biodiversity of weed in paddy fields. African J. of Biotech 9(21): 3122-3130(第2作者,IF=0.57)

  Wu, X.R., Mutisya J, and Folk W.R*. (2008) Modification of sorghum seed composition to improve health and nutrition of small farm holders (Krishnan, Ed.) Agronomy Monograph 51, ASA-CSSA-SSSA. (第1作者,农学专著章节)

  Wu, X.R., Kenzior, A., Wilmot, D., Scanlon, S., Chen, Z.H., Topin, A., He, S., Acevedo, A. and Folk, W.R.* (2007)Altered expression of plant lysyl tRNA synthetase promotes tRNA misacylation and translational recoding of lysine. Plant J. 50, 627–636. (第1作者,IF=7.0)

  Chen, Y.H., Zhao, S., Yan, Q.Q., Li, Y.S., Wu X.R. and Xiao, G.Y.* (2007) Studies on genes related to submergence tolerant using differential display technique in rice. Chinese J. of Agric. Biotechnol. 4, 139-144

  Li, M.F.,, Zheng, X.Q., Zhu, Y.Q., Liang, S.Y., Wang, X.S., Li, l., Luo, Z.B., Zheng, K. and Wu,X.R.* (2006) Development and characterization of SSR markers in lychee (Litchi chinensis) Mol. Ecol. Notes, 6(4): 1205-1207. (通讯作者,IF=2.4)

  Wu, X.R., Chen, Z.H., Shende, A., Dooner, H.K. and Folk, W.R.* (2006) Visualizing missense suppression of bz1 inZea mays: an assay for expression, charging and utilization of tRNAs. Plant Mol. Biol. 61,795-8. (第1作者,IF=4.2)

  Wu, X.R., Chen, Z.H. and W.R.Folk* (2003) Enrichment of cereal protein lysine content by altered tRNA coding during protein synthesis, Plant Biotechnol. J. 1, 187-194


  2016年美国发明专利公布书 (US2016/0090602 A1) Wu, X.R. Methods for plant transformation

  2016年国际发明专利公布书 (WO 2016/022787 A1) Chen, X.H. Wu, X.R., Methods for Setaria viridis transformation

  CN1887048 无核荔枝嫁接砧木选择新技术【发明人】李明芳,郑学勤,吴新荣,王高,罗振标,洪钢池【公开日】2007-01-03

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